Wine for Dragons

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wine Guest Review: KT

Hello everyone...

Its me again... No i am not turning into a wine addict like desdragon but just happen to frequent Wine Connection at Robertson Quay after stocks meeting on wednesdays with my alcoholic anonymous colleagues. hehe.

This is an Argentinean red ... Its pretty good... (heheh hows that for a bimbo wine review)


  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger DesDragon said…

    thanks for the review, good effort, but as you said is really sound bimbotic...

    Ask the wine shop boss next time for his comments and you can note it down rite? hehhehe

  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger Gorry Tan Yang Yang said…

    Cannot lah dragon, i tried doing it the proper way by describing the sight, smell and sounds of the blardee vino but its just not me!!!

    I cant fake it anymore!

    Anyway i'm just a messenger, take photo of the wine, say whether good or no good, then u all go and try loh. =))

  • At 1:17 PM, Blogger DesDragon said…

    hmm is that because gory as eyes that dont see and nose dat dont smell



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