Wine News : The Wine Company@Changi Village
-----Changi Village BoardWalk-----

More good news for wine lovers, The Wine Company is opening their next outlet at Changi Village Hotel (planned for mid-Nov 2010). I happened to be there for a training course and saw the notice and future wine shop location. It was formerly a souvenir shop, a small outlet tucked at the beginning of the hotel. I give kudos to The Wine Company for finding relaxed, comfortable, tranquil areas for their outlets.
The owner of The Wine Company suggests that "if you are planning on visiting, here's a little tip: Instead of the shorter route via the PIE, drive via the tarmac of the airport. It may be a longer way, but I always enjoy this more scenic route. After all, I am not in a hurry; there is beauty in the road less travelled."

-----Changi Village BoardWalk-----