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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wine Fair (Field Report) : Carrefour Beer & Wine Fair 30 Sep -12 Oct 2008, Suntec City


I thought I had better get this entry in before the end of Oct. Carrefour had their wine fair again at the Suntec City outlet. I did not receive any invitation to the VIP night so was afraid that I would miss out on the Reserve De La Comtesse special offer of S$69.90 (normal S$87). However, I got lucky and they still managed to hold the price for another day, helping me continue my vertical collection.

There were a decent number of 2005s available and again I salute Carrefour for bringing these in at reasonable prices.

Chateau La Tour Carnet 2005 $64 - This is pretty common sight at Carrefour wine fairs now.
Chateau Chasse Spleen 2005 $85
Chateau Sociando Mallet 2005 $99 - Recommended
Chateau L'Enclos Pomerol 2005 $88
Chateau Taillefer Pomerol 2005 $69.90
Chateau Croizer Bages 2005 $68
Chateau Domaine Chevalier 2005 $138
Chateau Domaine de la Solitude 2005 $41.90
Chateau Chasse Spleen 2005 $85

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  • At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said… should check out

    they import luxury wines to singapore and asia


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